Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Women Who Saved the Redwoods: A Celebration in Art and Music at the Mendocino County Museum

The following is a press release issued by the County of Mendocino:

[Photo provided by the County of Mendocino]

On Saturday July 13 at 2:00 p.m., Mendocino County Museum will host a special program that weaves together fine art, history, and music. Local historian Dot Brovarney will provide a presentation on her recently published book Mendocino Refuge: Lake Leonard & Reeves Canyon, an exploration of the lives of redwoods, wildlife, and human inhabitants in an upper Russian River watershed just south of Willits. The reading and discussion will highlight efforts by several women who, over generations, were responsible for saving old growth in the canyon and at the lake.

The program will also feature painter Linda MacDonald who will discuss her long creative engagement with redwoods. A collection of her paintings will be on exhibit in the Museum’s Long Gallery. The acapella group, Trillium, will fill the gallery with music. Lisa Bregger, Madge Strong, and Mary Buckley will perform multiple songs including songwriter Mary Buckley’s “Trees Speak,” featured in Mendocino Refuge.

The Book Juggler will be selling copies of Mendocino Refuge at the museum at the conclusion of the event. More information about the book is available at www.mendocinorefuge.com.

About the Author: Dot Brovarney is a 35-year resident of Mendocino County, where she works as a historian and author. She holds an M.A. degree in History from the University of California, Santa Barbara (1998). Dot’s background as a professional curator at the County and Hudson Museums informs her continuing projects as an independent public historian and writer. Through her business, Landcestry, she has developed exhibits, walking tours, and books. Besides researching and writing her latest publication, Mendocino Refuge: Lake Leonard & Reeves Canyon (2022), she served as contributing editor and publisher of The Sweet Life: Cherry Stories from Butler Ranch (2016), and co-authored Remember Your Relations, a book about Pomo basket weavers co-published in 1996 by the Grace Hudson Museum, the Oakland Museum of California, and Heyday Books.

For more information please visit www.mendocinocounty.org/museum or contact the Mendocino County Museum at museum@mendocinocounty.gov or 707-234-6365.

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Program is free with regular Admission.

Programa Especial Museo: “Mujeres en el Bosque”

El Sábado 13 de Julio a las 2:00 p. m., el Museo del Condado de Mendocino presentará un programa especial que entrelaza bellas artes, historia y música. La historiadora local Dot Brovarney realizará una presentación sobre su libro recientemente publicado Mendocino Refuge: Lake Leonard & Reeves Canyon, una exploración de la vida de las secuoyas, la vida silvestre y los habitantes humanos en la cuenca superior del río Russian, justo al sur de Willits. La lectura y la discusión resaltarán los esfuerzos de varias mujeres que, durante generaciones, fueron responsables de salvar los bosques viejos en el cañón y el lago.

El programa también contará con la pintora Linda MacDonald, quien hablará sobre su largo compromiso creativo con las secuoyas. Una colección de sus pinturas se exhibirá en la Galería Larga del Museo. El grupo acapella, Trillium, llenará de música la galería. Lisa Bregger, Madge Strong y Mary Buckley interpretarán varias canciones, incluida “Trees Speak” de la compositora Mary Buckley, que aparece en Mendocino Refuge.

The Book Juggler venderá copias de Mendocino Refuge en el museo al finalizar el evento. Más información sobre el libro está disponible en www.mendocinorefuge.com.

Sobre el Autor: Dot Brovarney reside desde hace 35 años en el condado de Mendocino, donde trabaja como historiadora y autora. Tiene una maestría en Historia de la Universidad de California, Santa Bárbara (1998). La experiencia de Dot como curadora profesional en los Museos del Condado y Hudson informa sus proyectos continuos como historiadora y escritora pública independiente. A través de su negocio, Landcestry, ha desarrollado exhibiciones, recorridos a pie y libros. Además de investigar y escribir su última publicación, Mendocino Refuge: Lake Leonard & Reeves Canyon (2022), se desempeñó como editora colaboradora y editora de The Sweet Life: Cherry Stories from Butler Ranch (2016) y fue coautora de Remember Your Relations, un libro sobre tejedores de cestas Pomo coeditado en 1996 por el Museo Grace Hudson, el Museo Oakland de California y Heyday Books.

Para obtener más información, visite www.mendocinocounty.org/museum o comuníquese con el Museo del Condado de Mendocino en museum@mendocinocounty.gov o al 707-234-6365.

El programa es gratuito con entrada regular.

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