Friday, March 14, 2025

Teen Arrested with ‘Ghost Gun’ at Fort Bragg’s Carnival By the Sea

A fixed blade knife, ghost gun, gang paraphernalia, a hatchet [Image from the Fort Bragg Police Department]

A festive weekend at Fort Bragg’s Carnival By the Sea took a dramatic turn on Friday night when police were dispatched to the event following reports of a firearm being brandished.

According to a press release issued by the Fort Bragg Police Department, at approximately 8:46 p.m. on July 12, officers responded to a 911 call from the 100 block of West Redwood, where they learned that a firearm had been shown to a juvenile inside the public event.

Officers responded and searched the area where they identified two suspects: a 13-year-old male resident of Fort Bragg and Matreyus Tiscareno Meyer, 18, also of Fort Bragg.

The 13-year-old was released to a parent after officers found no evidence against him. However, a search of Tiscareno Meyer revealed a concealed fixed-blade weapon and gang paraphernalia. Further investigation led officers to discover a loaded, non-serialized handgun, a large hatchet, and more gang paraphernalia among Tiscareno Meyer’s belongings. Non-serialized firearms, often referred to as “ghost guns,” are difficult to trace.

Tiscareno Meyer was arrested and booked into Mendocino County Jail on several charges, including carrying a loaded firearm in public, carrying a concealed weapon, carrying an unregistered loaded firearm, and carrying a concealed dirk or dagger.

“This is an example of the amazing teamwork amongst our officers,” said Sergeant De Leon. “They quickly formulated a plan to enter a public event and find the suspects. They took a concealed, loaded firearm off the streets and undoubtedly prevented violence.”

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Authorities are encouraging anyone with information on the incident to contact Officer Baker of the Fort Bragg Police Department at (707) 961-2800 ext. 226.

It must be stated that the charges have not been proven in a court of law. In accordance with the legal principle of the presumption of innocence, any individual described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

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  1. Great. More little thugs running around with guns and melee weapons. At a kids carnival, no less. And thirteen years old seems a bit young to be rolling with a mexican street gang. Top shelf work by FBPD, but this game of whack-a-mole must be extremely frustrating for the officers especially with juveniles involved.

    So when will the hispanic community in Fort Bragg stand up and help force out these bad actors? So far that community has been largely unsympathetic to the spread of mexican gang violence in this town. There is no sense of responsibility, no public outcry. Now we have 13 year olds being recruited to gang life. It’s as if every family harbors at least one gang member, yet nobody wants to discuss it or cooperate with law enforcement. When I’ve tried to raise this festering issue in person with members of the hispanic community all I hear are dismissive jokes and willful ignorance.

    Once the violence reaches a critical mass the tourists will stop coming and another “industry” will die in this town. Nobody wants to vacation in a rural slum. At that point maybe we can change the town’s name—Fent Bagg might be appropriate.

    • Very well written and said.
      While reading your comment my mind started to wander and I thought to myself that Norteno by the sea could work for the name change crowd.
      Fent Bagg unfortunately fits as well.
      It’s just a matter of time until the shit hits the fan over there.
      Hope that the local P.D. and S.O. men and women are wearing their vest at all times having to deal with this vermin.
      I will no longer make the drive over and spend the day to have lunch and hangout at the flea market visiting with some old-time friends that run it.
      I’m not afraid but just disgusted because I have a very low tolerance for punks.

      • Norteno is a Spanish word, and Norteno is also the name of an ethnic Mexican street gang. You should know better, and you are showing how the hispanic community shelters and enables these organized criminal gangs. No allegiance to the neighborhood, the real community. The rotten ones corrupted by the gang life will say they value family and respect above all else, but they just care about themselves.

        So go ahead and see the sheriff booking log, because your observation is entirely incorrect. Are you by any chance related to the local sureno sanchez family-mario, daniel, or fabian? That’d be kind of weird

          • Thanks for the input, mr weak. The sanchez name is well known in Fort Bragg. Lots of local drug and gang activity is associated with that name, so it’s a reasonable and fair question to ask. I was mostly curious about Juliana’s motive for posting a bald-faced lie.

            And yes if I lived in New York I would be somewhat suspicious of people named Gambino.

    • Lol are you’re literally brain dead? Public outcry? You want the Hispanic community to start protesting and looting local businesses? Over Norteños? This isnt BLM. What could they do different this time as a community? Norteños who are aligned with the Nuestra Familia prison gang have been in Fent Bragg since 1970s and so on. Blame your local government for this mess they’ve never had it under control. You have this mess in every city in the country. If it isn’t caucasians and Hispanics, it’s African Americans or asians.

      • Oh, look! It’s another hispanic gang apologist come out of the woodwork to stand up for their homies. You could at least acknowledge the rapid growth of these gangs here. Or the recent recruiting of teenagers to said gangs. You could even make a simple comment disavowing Mexican street gangs in Fort Bragg, but I guess that’s too much to ask of you.

  2. It’s a pity that ignorant, knee-jerk reactions want to blame a “mexican street gang” for the actions of a white boy. The kid’s last name is Meyer FFS. We can make s#*t up and say he is Jewish Mafia or a neo-Nazi street gangster. Or maybe a space alien?

    • You could look at his last name—tiscareno. Or you could look at the sheriff booking log. Sheriff lists his race as “hispanic”, and they even have a photo of him, doesn’t look white to me. Add the douche bag norteno gear he possessed and it’s a slam dunk for a violent Mexican street gang member. Note that this guy was recently involved in another gang related melee at Safeway with a juvenile in tow.

      We have a Mexican street gang problem in Fort Bragg. Anyone who disputes that fact is either directly affiliated or at least one of the gangs’ loyal dope fiend customers.

      • Meyer is “hispanic”?
        Gangs are all over the state, we live in a violent, armed society, deal with it. That’s why we have the 2nd amendment. Protect yourself and don’t expect the police to do it for you and let’s not be a fear-monger. The vast majority of crime here is done by white folks, despite the presence of gangs. Despite the hysteria, the most dangerous thing most people do is drive their car.

        • That might be the most disingenuous reply I’ve ever read. Sure gangs are a statewide problem, mostly in the bigger cities until the last ten years or so. Now it is a rapidly growing problem in this small town. At least two armed gang affiliated teenagers arrested in the past two days. It wasn’t like this twenty or even ten years ago. I could point out more recent local examples of the worsening gang situation, but I think it’s time you do your own homework. Second amendment won’t necessarily help you if you get caught in gang crossfire at Safeway. Also some people are unable to defend themselves with a firearm, like children and the disabled. Your comparison between increasing gang violence and car accidents is pathetic. You should be embarrassed.

          • Don’t get hysterical. I simply pointed out statistical risk. You are irrationally inflating risk, and emotionally freaking out because children might get killed? What’s the statistics on that?
            Grow a backbone, your biggest threat is not “mexican gangs” Look at the big picture and think rationally.

            • Some folks use statistics much like a drunk uses a lamppost—more for support than illumination.

              So what’s your agenda? You want the Mexican gangs to proliferate in Fort Bragg? More drugs? Feel free to provide “statistics” to support your argument, if you wish. I will ask that you cite your sources, otherwise I’m not reading anymore of your BS. Or just continue to deflect with cheap ad hominem insults.

            • In our relatively safe, small town, Mexican street gangs ARE IN FACT the biggest threat. Look at fort Bragg crime statistics, fort Bragg is up there

        • I think the fallacy here is you are focused on race and not the issue at hand. He can have blue eyes and blonde hair and still be running with a Mexican gang. Being not white doesn’t make the actions any more permissable

    • Yeah you’re so right Jonny J. what was I thinking?
      I completely forgot about the Neo-Nazi street gang run by the Aryan Brotherhood.
      What was their name again? Oh yeah The Sons Of Braxton Bragg.
      Those pesky space aliens are especially dangerous and hard to spot as they are chameleons and can change their color in seconds.

      • Jonny J is peddling a specific, highly toxic brand of deception. He doesn’t have a leg to stand on, so he deflects in a poorly constructed attempt to obfuscate the issue at hand. We are discussing the proliferation of Mexican street gangs in a rural town, so of course he wants to deflect to crime done by “white folks”.

        I hate to break it to poor JJonny but when Cletus steals your catalytic converter he’s going to trade it for meth or fentanyl from Mexico, and the financial beneficiaries of that transaction are……Mexican street gangs and the associated cartels that provide supply. As pathetic as Cletus is, he probably doesn’t need or want to be caught armed with gang paraphernalia, hatchet, dagger, and ghost gun at the kids carnival.

          • Poor attempt at deflection. Lock down the border and deport illegal aliens and this problem shrinks away. There is a reason dealers are sentenced more harshly than low end users. Best thing we can do is cut off the mexican street gangs and therefore greatly limit the supply

  3. Same 18 year old was involved in machete incident at Safeway and had a minor with him then too. Probably little brother. Where are the parents. CPS needs to remove the minor as parents seem to be neglecting him and are
    failing to protect. Article about April’s incident is posted below


    Parking Lot Brawl Leads To Shooting and Arrest

    On April 13 at approximately 4:36 pm, officers were dispatched to Safeway for a report of a disturbance involving shots fired. Upon officers’ arrival, it was determined several subjects had already fled the scene.

    Through their investigation, officers determined Matreyus Tiscareno-Meyer age 18 out of Fort Bragg approached a male adult, and initiated a verbal altercation. The altercation escalated when Tiscareno-Meyer retrieved a machete from his vehicle and attempted to strike the other male. A physical altercation ensued between the two and a third male, identified as Mario Sanchez age 31 out of Fort Bragg, approached and began discharging several rounds at Matreyus Tiscareno-Meyer. Involved parties then fled the area.

    The machete involved was recovered on scene, along with other evidence. It was reported that Matreyus Tiscareno-Meyer fled the scene in a gold sedan, later identified as a gold Saturn, which had its passenger rear window broken out during the altercation. Based on information obtained on scene, officers suspect Hailey Hawkins age 20 out of Fort Bragg, to be the owner and driver of the associated gold Saturn. It was also determined at least one male juvenile associated with Matreyus Tiscareno-Meyer and Hailey Hawkins was present when the altercation occurred, and the firearm discharged.

    Officers began a search of the area, checking residences associated with the involved parties. As a result, a search and arrest warrant were obtained and a subsequently served at a residence in the 500 block of Stewart Street. Sanchez was located at the residence and arrested. He was transported to the Mendocino County Jail for the following charges: 664/187 PC – Attempt Homicide, 245(A)(2) PC – Assault with a firearm, and 273A(A) PC – Child Endangerment. Other charges are being investigated and pending.

    Officers issued a be on the lookout for Matreyus Tiscareno-Meyer for violation of 245 PC – Assault with a Deadly Weapon, and are actively looking for Hawkins for questioning regarding the incident.

    This investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information on this incident is encouraged to contact the Fort Bragg Police Department at (707)964-0200, or Officer Frank of the Fort Bragg Police Department at (707)961-2800 ext 210.

    This information is being released by Chief Neil Cervenka. All media inquiries should contact him at

  4. It’s a shame we can’t just build a cement pen for person’s who can’t behave decently. The biggest problem in my opinion is that there is no real punishment for these degenerate punks. There has to be a deterrent – a few hours in jail and the option for reduced bail isn’t doing it. Perhaps NO BAIL for any weapon related charges would be best, and minimum real jail sentences that don’t allow for ‘good time’ and early release. In the case of this particular scum bag, a second weapon or firearm charge should mean a minimum of 5 years in prison. Do that a few times and maybe the risk won’t be worth the anticipated reward. It isn’t about race or gender or anything else…..a waste of space and oxygen and taxpayer dollars is all some people amount to. Period!

  5. Oh my gawd!! Lol “Fent Bagg!!” Im dying of laughter that is too f-ing funny.
    And you guys, maybe he’s Irish Italian? Or Native?
    Video games. The problem is video games.

  6. From reading these comments Fort Braggs has to nea racist piece of shit town. Mexicans this &, that . We have morals & culture ,you child molesting inbreds


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
For the past seven years, Matt LaFever has covered the North Coast of California in both print and radio news. A Humboldt State graduate, he has lived in the Emerald Triangle for nearly 20 years. His reporting spans local issues like crime and wildfires. When not writing, Matt is an avid outdoorsman, exploring Northern California’s rugged landscapes. Reach out to him at

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