The following is Mendocino County’s 2nd District Supervisor Mo Mulheren’s Weekly Update. MendoFever will be publishing her update weekly:

Hey! It’s The Mo You Know, and its Tuesday! Here is my weekly update. This is not a comprehensive list of all of the meetings that I attend but a summary so that you can contact me if you are interested in a particular subject. I have a regular zoom meeting every Thursday from 7:15-7:45a that you are welcome to join: Meeting ID 7079548230 Password LOCAL707 My email is MulherenM@MendocinoCounty.Org and my cell phone is 707-391-3664
BHAB Dr Jenine Miller and her staff have been working many many hours and Dr Miller has been working on call since 2008
Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Three-Year (2020-2023) Plan Public Hearing – Karen Lovato, BHRS Senior Program Manager ( Comments: that PHF should be a priority, we have the CRT and training center the PHF is the next important step. We need more CIT (Crisis Intervention Training), and is there training for peer counselors? We need to do more work with wellness and workforce education. What worked was community connections and something to do and being in a facility with people having mental crisis was not helpful. Using street drugs replaces drugs and medication. We need to make sure we keep the MHSA match with Medical to be able to provide programs
I am on an Ad Hoc with CoU Councilmember Jim Brown and we met to discuss the MendoRecycle Interm GM with County Staff and City of Ukiah Public Works Director, City of Fort Bragg City Manager. As the program is under a possible transition its important that there is someone guiding the ship.
Ukiah Senior Center Board of Directors – The freezer is on the fritz, need to find funds to order a new one but there are also construction needs to install it. If you know any contractors that are willing to work pro-bono please reach out. Anyone can become a member of the Ukiah Senior Center and many activities are available to the general community.
I met regarding Substance Abuse Treatment Services with Dr Miller and Supervisor McGourty. It’s incredibly important that when an addict is ready to seek recovery they are given options that will work for them.
I listened in on a Zoom webinar about the OCAP Learning Conversation about Compassionate Supervision. The last year and a half have been incredibly challenging for employees and employers. Its important that we meet our employees with compassionate understanding where they are. We need to make sure that internally we are looking at flexibility of schedules and the needs of our employees.
I listened in on the Countywide Oversight Board Meeting for the RDA funds. I’m not officially appointed yet but I have been listening to the meetings since January and was previously the City of Ukiah alternate. The City of Ukiah has several projects that they are wrapping up so its important that the Second District Supervisor sits on this Board.
MCAFD – cancelled (I drove over to Boonville and the meeting was cancelled, so as always a nice trip over the hill.)
Move 2030 – Meeting with Mary Anne Petrillo, Michelle Hutchins and Supervisor Williams to discuss what we need to bring the item before the full board
I listened in on the Emergency Access Program for Ag for both cannabis and traditional agriculture harvests which are typically during fire season. Its important that we have a workable plan that OES and Staff are able to work with industry stakeholders and business owners to make sure they can safely access their properties.
The students at Sonoma University are working on a project they call “Rising Waters: Water Quality and Homelessness”. They are working on determining a policy plan to reduce the impact that homelessness has on our waterways. One of the biggest challenges and community conversation is whether or not porto-potties should be provided at known camping locations.
Took a walk on the GRT with my daughter and the stroller gang. Love to see people out using the trail. There was a family with several small children and they were so happy to be able to be running and the giggles were adorable. If you haven’t yet walked on the rail trail (4 years later there are still a lot of misconceptions) I’m happy to walk with you or you can join our Facebook page and find a walking partner.
My pre-teen and I did a little community service and Repainted the Ukiah Depot sign.
My grand-daughter and I attended a Yoga Fundraiser for a Hopkins Fire Victim
1. OPEN SESSION (9:00 A.M.)
1a) Roll Call
1b) Pledge of Allegiance
2a) Public Expression
– Chamise Cubbison, read letter received at last board meeting re directives
McGourty, perhaps we should contract out
Williams, how many people are needed? Down two FTE.
3a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction to Staff Regarding 1) Define Directives; 2) Prioritize Directives; and 3) Review of Existing Directives Issued by the Board of Supervisors (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Direct staff regarding 1) definition of directives; 2) prioritizing directives; and 3) review existing directives issued by the Board of Supervisors. 2017-2021 In Process Directives 2017-2021 Completed Directives 2017-2019 Completed Directives Attachments:
Has to be majority consensus to be included as a directive
Nadia and Clerk of the Board are in charge of keeping track of the items
McGourty said he won’t be able to work on Oak Woodlands until 2022
General Government can look at the directives at the next meeting
If a directive is referred to an ad hoc it is marked as completed
3b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of an Update on the County’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Efforts (Sponsor: Human Resources) Recommended Action: Accept update on the County’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts and provide feedback and direction to staff.
Take aways: County Leadership should be equal to what is the diversity of the community, need to report out on data about ethnicity specifically regarding Covid
3c) Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of Informational Presentation by Human Resources Regarding County Vacancies and Recruitment Activities and Processes (Sponsor: Human Resources) Recommended Action: Accept the informational presentation by Human Resources regarding County vacancies and recruitment activities and processes. Attachments: 9.23.21 Recruitment Presentation
Mulheren/Haschak to work with the Employee Engagement team regarding an employee satisfaction survey
Have a third party look at exit interviews
4a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Receiving a Status Report on Water Hauling Response; Provide Input Regarding the Water Supply Replacement Project (Coastal Water Hauling) and Possible Next Steps Supporting Local Agencies and Community Stakeholders in Securing Project Funding; and Approve Transmission of Letters of Support for Community Partners Seeking Funding Independently (Sponsors: Drought Ad Hoc Committee of Supervisors McGourty and Haschak) Recommended Action: Receive Status Report on Water Hauling Response; Provide Input Regarding the Water Supply Replacement Project (Coastal water hauling) and possible next steps supporting local agencies and community stakeholders in securing project funding; Approve Transmission of letters of support for community partners seeking funding independently; and authorize Chair to sign same.
Dashiell, Incident Commander believes we have enough capacity to haul water with three contracted haulers. On Friday we received notice that we would receive a grant to haul this water but it might only be for residential uses, we’ve hauled about 30% commercial so we need to work with the State to try to be reimbursed
Josh Metz and Supervisor McGourty showed appreciation for the agencies to be able to work together
Williams, now is the time to be proactive about working on your future storage needs
Appreciation to the City of Ukiah for all of their quick work to get the contracts together and the water rights to be able to haul
Josh – 36 projects were reviewed. 31 would likely be eligible for DWR programs, the next step is what is the County willing to support for grant and contract work to submit these applications
Policy Direction: Letters of support for local agency projects; grant writing education & facilitation, revolving loan fund, fiscal agency
4b) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Appointment of a Board of Supervisors Representative to the Countywide Redevelopment/Successor Agency Oversight Board (Sponsor: Supervisor Mulheren) Recommended Action: Appoint a member of the Board of Supervisors as a Board of Supervisors Representative to the Countywide Redevelopment/Successor Agency Oversight Board.
Mulheren Appointed to represent the County on the Oversight Board
4c) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Recommendations of the Planning and Building Services Staffing Ad Hoc Committee (Sponsor: Planning and Building Services Ad Hoc Committee of Supervisors Gjerde and McGourty) Recommended Action: Discuss the recommendations of the Planning and Building Services Staffing Ad Hoc Committee and provide direction to staff.
Need to create a 5 year strategic plan for the department, need to fill positions and work to retain high performing staff, continue technology advancements, continue to re-establish long-range planning
Slide show to be uploaded
Director Gonzales thanks the Board and the Ad Hoc to continue to work directly with him to work on issues as we communicate them
1. OPEN SESSION (9:00 A.M.)
1a) Roll Call
1b) Pledge of Allegiance
3a) Public Expression
4a) Approval of Minutes of September 14, 2021 Regular Meeting Recommended Action: Approve minutes of the September 14, 2021 regular meeting. Attachments: 09-14-21 Minutes DRAFT
4b) Approval of Minutes of September 21, 2021 Special Meeting Recommended Action: Approve minutes of the September 21, 2021 special meeting. Attachments: 09-21-21 Minutes DRAFT
4c) Approval of Employment Agreement Between the County of Mendocino and Jenine Miller in the Approximate Amount of $176,130.00/Annually to Serve as the Director of Behavioral Health for a Three (3) Year Period Commencing October 3, 2021 and through October 2, 2024 (Sponsor: Supervisor Gjerde) Recommended Action: Approve Employment Agreement between the County of Mendocino and Jenine Miller in the approximate amount of $176,130.00/Annually to serve as the Director of Behavioral Health for a three (3) year period commencing October 3, 2021 and through October 2, 2024, and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Agreement
4d) Approval of Golden State Connect Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement; and Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Chairperson to Execute the Golden State Connect Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (Sponsor: Supervisor Williams) Recommended Action: Approve Golden State Connect Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement; adopt Resolution authorizing the Chairperson to execute the Golden State Connect Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement; and authorize Chair to sign same. Agreement Resolution Attachments:
4e) Adoption of Resolution Declaring the Continuation of a Local Emergency Related to the Multiple September 2020 Fires including; August Complex, Oak Fire and Hopkins Fire, as Proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services and Declaring the Continuation of a Local Health Emergency as Proclaimed by the Health Officer Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution declaring the continuation of a Local Emergency related to the Multiple September 2020 fires including; August Complex fire, Oak Fire and Hopkins fire as proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services and declaring the continuation of a Local Health Emergency as proclaimed by the Health Officer; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Resolution
4f) Adoption of Resolution Declaring the Continuation of a Local Emergency Related to the October Wind Events and Corresponding Pacific Gas and Electric Public Safety Power Shutoff Events on October 23, 2019, October 26, 2019 and October 29, 2019, in Mendocino County as Proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution declaring the continuation of a Local Emergency related to the October wind events and corresponding Pacific Gas and Electric Public Safety Power Shutoff Events on October 23, 2019, October 26, 2019, and October 29, 2019, in Mendocino County as declared by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Resolution
4g) Adoption of a Resolution Renewing its Declaration of a Local Emergency and Extending the Existence of a Local Emergency Due to Drought Conditions and Imminent Threat of Disaster in Mendocino County Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution renewing its declaration of a local emergency and extending the existence of a local emergency due to drought conditions and imminent threat of disaster in Mendocino County; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Resolution
4h) Adoption of a Resolution Designating the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services, Recovery Director, Assistant CEO/Recovery Finance Director, Director of Transportation, and Principal Administrative Analyst as Authorized Agents to Engage with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Regarding All Matters Pertaining to Federal Financial Assistance Under Public Law 93-288 As Amended by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988, and/or State Financial Assistance Under the California Disaster Act Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution Designating the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services, Recovery Director, Assistant CEO/Recovery Finance Director, Director of Transportation, and Principal Administrative Analyst as Authorized Agents to Engage with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Regarding All Matters Pertaining to Federal Financial Assistance Under Public Law 93-288 As Amended by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988, and/or State Financial Assistance Under the California Disaster Act Resolution Declaration Attachments:
4i) Approval of Amendment to Agreement 21-141 with the Community Foundation of Mendocino County for Covid-19 Food Relief Services, Increasing the Amount from $275,000 to $473,000, and Extending the End Date from December 31, 2021 to March 31, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve amendment to Agreement 21-141 with the Community Foundation of Mendocino County for Covid-19 food relief services, increasing the amount from $275,000 to $473,000, extending the end date from December 31, 2021 to March 31, 2022; and authorize Chair to sign same. Community Care Amendment request letter 8.16.21 Attachments:
4j) Approval of Agreement with Redwood Community Services in the Amount of $137,141 to Provide Intensive Care Management and Development of Integrated Individual Service Plans to Support the Finding Home Grant, Effective September 30, 2021 through September 29, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with Redwood Community Services in the amount of $137,141 to provide intensive care management and development of integrated individual service plans to support the Finding Home Grant, effective September 30, 2021 through September 29, 2022; authorize the Behavioral Health Director or designee to sign any future amendments that do not exceed the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Redwood Community Services, Inc., (Building Bridges), $137,141, 21-22, BHRS SUDT – Preliminary
4k) Approval of Agreement with Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center in the Amount of $50,571 to Provide Intensive Care Management and Development of Integrated Individual Service Plans to Support the Finding Home Grant, Effective September 30, 2021 through September 29, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center in the amount of $50,571 to provide intensive care management and development of integrated individual service plans to support the Finding Home Grant, effective September 30, 2021 through September 29, 2022; authorize the Behavioral Health Director or designee to sign any future amendments that do not exceed the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center, $50,571, 21-22, BHRS SUDT – Preliminary
4l) Authorization for the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to Establish Capital Improvement Projects to Complete Water Damage Remediation and Repairs at Public Health, 1120 South Dora Street, Ukiah Rooms 188, 189 and 192 in the Amount of $90,000 and Authorization for the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to Act as Project Manager to Enter Contracts and Approve Change Orders for the Projects, Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20142 Recommended Action: Authorize the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to establish a Capital Improvement projects to complete water damage remediation and repairs at Public Health rooms 188, 189 and 192 in the amount of $90,000 and authorize the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to act as project manager to enter contracts and approve change orders for the project, pursuant to Public Contract Code section 20142.
4m) Adoption of Resolution Amending the Position Allocation Table as Follows: Transfer from Budget Unit 2310 to Budget Unit 2860, 1.0 FTE Animal Control Officer PN4075; 1.0 FTE Supervising Animal Control Officer PN4074; Budget Unit 2860, Add 2.0 FTE Animal Control Officer; Budget Unit 2310, Delete 2.0 FTE Animal Control Officer Upon Vacancy or Final Transition of the Animal Control Function to Animal Care Services Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution amending the Position Allocation Table as follows: transfer from Budget Unit 2310 to Budget Unit 2860, 1.0 FTE Animal Control Officer PN4075; 1.0 FTE Supervising Animal Control Officer PN4074; Budget Unit 2860, add 2.0 FTE Animal Control Officer; Budget Unit 2310, delete 2.0 FTE Animal Control Officer upon vacancy or final transition of the Animal Control function to Animal Care Services; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 09.28.21 #21-1042 HR Animal Care Amend PAT RESO.docx
4n) Adoption of Resolution Revising the Salary Range of Assistant Chief Executive Officer, from $134,472.00 – $163,425.00 to $147,160.00 – $178,859.20 and Authorizing Salary Adjustment of Incumbent from Step 5 of the Current Range to Step 5 of the New Range Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution revising the salary range of Assistant Chief Executive Officer, from $134,472.00 – $163,425.00 to $147,160.00 – $178,859.20 and authorizing salary adjustment of incumbent from Step 5 of the current range to Step 5 of the new range; and authorize Chair to sign same. 09.28.21 #21-1045 HR Salary Revision ACEO RESO.docx 9.17.21 Dept Head Salary Current and 9.5.21 Attachments:
4o) Approval of Agreement with Renne Public Law Group, LLP in the Amount of $187,500 for an Agreement Term of October 1, 2021 through December 31, 2022 to Provide Ongoing Employer-Employee Relations Services with the County’s Eight Bargaining Units, Various Legal Court Representation and Contract Negotiations Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with Renne Public Law Group, LLP in the amount of $187,500 for an Agreement term of October 1, 2021 through December 31, 2022 to provide ongoing employer-employee relations services with the County’s eight bargaining units, various legal court representation and contract negotiations; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Agreement
4p) Approval of Agreement with Community Development Services (CDS) to Provide Support to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, Loan Servicing for the County’s Program Income Revolving Loan Fund, and Technical Assistance for Future Grant Applications that the County may be Awarded for an Amount not to Exceed $375,000, Effective Upon Execution through June 30, 2024 Recommended Action: Approval of Agreement with Community Development Services (CDS) to provide support to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, Loan Servicing for the County’s Program Income Revolving Loan Fund, and Technical Assistance for future Grant Applications that the County may be awarded for an amount not to exceed $375,000, effective upon execution through June 30, 2024; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: CDS, $375, 000, 21-24 ,Master-Agreement-BOS-over-50000-1 REV2 – BOS Signature Needed
4q) Authorization of the Issuance of Administrative Coastal Development Permit No. CDP_2021-0008 (Dias) to Install a 1,958 Square Foot Manufactured Single Family Residence on a Permanent Foundation, a Detached 576 Square Foot Garage, a 1,032 Square Foot Exterior Deck, Paved Driveways and Associated Development Located at 38950 S. Highway 1, Gualala; APN: 145-183-03 Recommended Action: Authorize the issuance of Administrative Coastal Development Permit No. CDP_2021-0008 (Dias) to install a 1958 square foot manufactured single family residence on a permanent foundation a detached 576 square foot garage, a 1,032 square foot exterior deck, paved driveways and associated development located at 38950 S. Highway 1, Gualala; APN: 145-183-03. 01. CDP_2021-0008 BOS MEETING NOTICE ~(FINAL) 02. CDP_2021-0008 STAFF REPORT (FINAL) 03. Combined Maps Attachments:
4r) Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Redwood Taxi, LLC, in the Amount of $25,000, to Provide Transportation During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive Agreement with Redwood Taxi, LLC, in the amount of $25,000, to provide transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic, effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; authorize the Public Health Director to sign any amendments that do not increase the maximum amount; authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign amendments that do not exceed a total contract amount of $50,000; and authorize the Chair to sign same. Attachments: Redwood Taxi LLC, $25,000
4s) Approval of Retroactive Purchase of a UniMac Washer 65 Pound Capacity Washer for the Mendocino County Jail in the Amount of $21,200.78; and Addition of the item to the County List of Fixed Assets Recommended Action: Approve Retroactive Purchase of a UniMac Washer 65 pound capacity washer for the Mendocino County Jail in the amount of $21,200.78; and add the item to the County List of Fixed Assets. Budget Transfer Form Jail Washing Machine Requisition.pdf Attachments:
4t) Approval of First Amendment to Board of Supervisors Agreement No. 19-013 with Keefe Commissary Network, LLC in the Amount of $350,000 for a New Agreement Total of $1,400,000 to Provide Inmate Commissary Services Effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve First Amendment to Board of Supervisors Agreement No. 19-013 with Keefe Commissary Network, LLC in the amount of $350,000 for a new agreement total of $1,400,000 to provide inmate commissary services effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022; authorize the Sheriff to sign any future amendments that do not affect the maximum Agreement total; and authorize Chair to sign same. Agreement a Keefe Comm Network LLC 2019-21 Final.pdf a 1 2-20-18 Commissary Services RFP CEO Final.pdf Attachments:
4u) Approval of Agreement with American Guard Services, Inc. in the Amount of $165,360 to Provide Security Guard Services at Social Services Locations, Effective October 4, 2021 through October 3, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with American Guard Services, Inc. in the amount of $165,360 to provide security guard services at Social Services locations, effective October 4, 2021 through October 3, 2022; authorize the Social Services Director or designee to sign any amendments to the agreement that do not increase the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: American Guard Services, Inc., $165,360, 21-22, SS SIU – Preliminary
4v) Approval of Retroactive Second Amendment with Eversole Mortuary in the Amount of $7,500 for a New Total of $77,500 to Provide the Handling and Disposition of Last Remains of Decedents of Mendocino County Who have no Relatives or Other Person Legally Empowered to Authorize Cremation and Disposition, Effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 Recommended Action: Approve retroactive second Amendment with Eversole Mortuary in the amount of $7,500 for a new total of $77,500 to provide the handling and disposition of last remains of decedents of Mendocino County who have no relatives or other person legally empowered to authorize cremation and disposition, Effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021; authorize the Social Services Director to sign any future amendments to the Agreement that does not increase the maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Eversole Mortuary, Amendment 2, $7,500 ($77,500) Eversole Mortuary, $50,000 Original Agreement Eversole Mortuary, Amendment 1, $20,000 ($70,000) Attachments:
4w) Approval of Amendment to Board of Supervisors Agreement No. 21-038 with Court Appointed Special Advocates of Mendocino County to Increase the Current Two-Year Amount by $1,177 to a New Total of $27,577 to Facilitate the Policy Council on Children and Youth/Child Abuse Prevention Council’s (PCCY/CAPC) Subcommittee, ACEs Community Resilience Team, and to Facilitate the Annual PCCY/CAPC Directed Education, Training and Child Abuse Prevention Activity or Program as Recommended by the PCCY/CAPC, Effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022; and Approval of an Additional Increase Upon Receipt of Fiscal Year 21-22 Allocation Not to Exceed $1,262 for a Maximum Two-Year Total of $28,839 Without Need for Further Board of Supervisors Approval Recommended Action: Approve Amendment to Board of Supervisors Agreement No. 21-038 with Court Appointed Special Advocates of Mendocino County to increase the current two-year amount by $1,177 to a new total of $27,577 to facilitate the Policy Council of Children and Youth/Child Abuse Prevention Council’s (PCCY/CAPC) Subcommittee, ACEs Community Resilience Team, and to facilitate the annual PCCY/CAPC directed education, training and child abuse prevention activity or program as recommended by the PCCY/CAPC effective July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022; authorize the Department of Social Services Director to sign any future amendments to the Agreement that do not exceed a total two year maximum amount of $28,839; and authorize Chair to sign same. CASA of Mendocino amendment 1, $1,177 (27,577) CASA of Mendocino County, $26,400, Original Agreement Attachments:
4x) Approval of Agreement with Redwood Community Services, Inc., in the Amount of $336,337 to Provide Family Urgent Response System Mobile Response Services to Current and Former Foster Youth Through Age 21 for Social Services, Family and Children’s Services, Effective October 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Agreement with Redwood Community Services, Inc., in the amount of $336,337 to provide Family Urgent Response System mobile response services to current and former foster youth through age 21 for Social Services, Family and Children’s Services, effective October 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; authorize the Social Services Director to sign any future amendments to the Agreement that do not increase the annual maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: Redwood Community Services (FURS), $336,337
4y) Approval of Annual Allocation of Funds in the Amount of Sixty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($68,750) to the Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency, for Agency Administration and Implementation of the Groundwater Sustainability Plan, until Such a Time that a Regulatory Fee or Other Funding Mechanism is Implemented (Ukiah Area) Recommended Action: Approve annual allocation of funds in the amount of sixty eight thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($68,750) to the Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency, for Agency administration and implementation of the Groundwater Sustainability Plan, until such a time that a regulatory fee or other funding mechanism is implemented (Ukiah Area) Attachments: UVBGSA Member Agency Funding Request
4z) Approval of Retroactive Amendment to Legal Services Agreement No. 19-182-A1 with Christiana Darlington, dba CLERE Inc. in an Amount Not to Exceed $45,500, for Separate Legal Representation for the Air Quality Management District effective July 1, 2021 through June 30,2022, and Authorization for the Air Pollution Control Officer Recommended Action: Approve Retroactive Amendment to Legal Services Agreement No. 19-182-A1 with Christiana Darlington, dba CLERE, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $45,500, for separate legal representation for the Air Quality Management District effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; and authorize Air Quality Pollution Control Officer and Chair to sign same. Agreement 19-182-A1 Final 7- 28-20 2021 Certificate of Liability Insurance Amendment CLERE Inc 21_22 with Signature Attachments:
5a) Discussion and Possible Action Including an Update Associated with the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19); and Provide Possible Direction Regarding Essential Services in Mendocino County, Operational Preparation and Response, and Associated Countywide Economic Impacts (Sponsor: Public Health) Recommended Action: Receive update regarding COVID-19 in the County, discuss and/or provide direction regarding essential services in Mendocino County, operational preparation and response, and associated countywide economic impacts.
Priority vaccine to people that have not yet had a first dose, then third dose and then Boosters
Concerns around Halloween and fall gatherings
5b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Extra Help Appointment of Lloyd Weer to Fulfill Critically Needed Duties After His Retirement, Pursuant to California Government Code Section 7522.56 (Sponsor: Auditor-Controller) Recommended Action: Approve the Extra Help appointment of Lloyd Weer to fulfill critically needed duties after his retirement, pursuant to California Government Code Section 7522.56.
Continued to the afternoon :
Additional project verification, 180 days and not exceed $12,000
Approved 3/2
5c) Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of a Presentation Related to New Jail Facility Including Update on Timeline for Completion and Construction Costs; and Direction to Staff Related to the $3.6 Million in Estimated Additional Funding That Will be Necessary to Award Construction Contracts for the Project (Sponsors: Executive Office and Sheriff-Coroner) Recommended Action: Accept the presentation related to the new jail facility including update on timeline for completion, construction costs; and provide direction to staff related to the $3.6 million in estimated additional funding anticipated as necessary to complete this project. MENDO 844 Milestone Sched 20210823 version_1 2021-09-28 BOS Project Update Mendocino SB 844 Final Attachments:
Possible funding to come from the fund balance, staff direction to find the additional funds ($4 million)
5d) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Employee Health Plan Current Financial Status and Renewal, Recommending the Employee Health Plan Funding/Premiums Increase Employer/Employee Contributions by 12% for Calendar Year 2022, Effective January 9, 2022, and Provide Direction Regarding Funding for the Incurred But Not Reported Claims (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Receive update regarding the Employee Health Plan Renewal current financial status and renewal, recommend the Employee Health Plan funding/premiums increase Employer/Employee contributions by 12% for calendar year 2022, effective January 9, 2022; provide direction regarding funding the incurred but not reported claims; and authorize Chair to sign same. Attachments: 2022 Health Plan Renewal_BOS
Move the recommended action and direct staff to inform employees about the need to increase the contribution to the health plan
5e) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of the Use of Measure B Funds in the Amount of $240,000 Per Year for a Period of 4 Years to Contribute to the Operations of Crisis Respite Services in the City of Fort Bragg for Coastal Residents (Sponsor: Behavioral Health and Recovery Services) Recommended Action: Approve request to use Measure B funds in the amount of $240,000 per year for a period of 4 years to contribute to the operations of Crisis Respite Services in the City of Fort Bragg for Coastal Residents. City of Ft Bragg Respite Center Letter of Support Crisis Respite Facility. Ehlers FBPD Letter Measure B CRT Respite revised 08162021. final Attachments:
Crisis Respite is an in between measure generally not for someone that needs a 5150 hold, and its not for someone that needs a long term stay of up to 30 days. A couple of days for someone to get stable and be reconnected to the community with the intention of getting them out of the ER and make sure they are safe.
5f) Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Presentation to the Board of Supervisors from Behavioral Health and Recovery Services on Status Report of Activities Related to the Mental Health Treatment Act Citizen’s Oversight Committee Projects and Programs (Sponsor: Behavioral Health and Recovery Services) Recommended Action: Accept Status Report from Behavioral Health and Recovery Services of activities related to the Mental Health Treatment Act Citizen’s Oversight Committee projects and programs; and provide direction as appropriate. Measure B Project Updates Measure B Report – Projects Measure B Report – Summary N&L Invoices Report Attachments:
Reports received and will be uploaded to the website. Here is the link to where the updates live:
5g) Chief Executive Officer’s Report (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Accept the Chief Executive Officer’s report.
No Report
5h) Discussion and Possible Action Including Review, Adoption, Amendment, Consideration or Ratification of Legislation Pursuant to the Adopted Legislative Platform (Sponsor: Executive Office) Recommended Action: Provide direction to staff on matters of legislation.
Will be postponed to the next meeting
6a) Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution Approving Zero Property Tax Sharing Agreement for the Ukiah Valley Fire District Annexation of the City of Ukiah (LAFCo Application Referral File No. D-2021-02) (Sponsor: Supervisor Mulheren) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution of the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors Approving a Zero Property Tax Sharing Agreement for the Ukiah Valley Fire District Annexation of the City of Ukiah (LAFCo Application Referral File No. D-2021-02); and authorize Chair to sign same. Resolution Exhibit A to BOS LAFCo A-2021-02 Auditor Notice Exhibit B to BOS Resolution – City Tax share agreement resolutionFInalALT(1) with EXs – Signed CS Exhibit C to BOS Resolution – District Tax share agreement resolutionFinalALT(1) with EXs – Signed_1 CS Attachments:
6b) Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of Update Regarding the Strategic Planning Process (Sponsor: Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee of Supervisors Haschak and McGourty) Recommended Action: Accept update and provide input regarding the next steps in the Strategic Planning Process.
Williams – we need to make compromises to be able to plan for the future
Think big picture of what can be accomplished over the next five years
Four pillars: Effective County Government Organization, Safe & Healthy County, A Livable Economy, A Prepared & Resilient County
CAO/CEO conversation is scheduled for late October to compare the models as well as the Chief Financial Officer vs individual elected officials and OES Models
6c) Discussion and Possible Action Including Approval of the Board of Supervisors’ Responses to the 2020-2021 Grand Jury Reports and Disbanding of the Grand Jury Ad Hoc Committees For the Grand Jury Reports Titled “Mendocino County’s Trailing Information Technology”, “Homelessness In Mendocino County Is A Community Concern” and “Meeting Mendocino County’s Needs For Housing Requires Coordination And Planning”; and Direct the Clerk of the Board to Return Originals to the County Counsel’s Office for Submission (Sponsors: County Counsel and Grand Jury Ad Hoc Committees (IT Ad Hoc Committee of Chair Gjerde and Vice-Chair Williams) and (Homelessness and Housing Grand Jury Response Ad Hoc Committee of Supervisors Haschak and Mulheren)) Recommended Action: Approve the Board of Supervisors’ responses to the 2020-21 Grand Jury Reports; disband the Grand Jury ad hoc committees for the Grand Jury Reports titled “Mendocino County’s Trailing Information Technology”, “Homelessness In Mendocino County Is A Community Concern” and “Meeting Mendocino County’s Needs For Housing Requires Coordination And Planning”; and direct the Clerk of the Board to return originals to the County Counsel’s Office for submission; authorize Chair to sign same. Grand Jury Report – Mendocino County’s Trailing Information Technology BoS Response – Mendocino County’s Trailing Information Technology BoS Response Form – Mendocino County’s Trailing Information Technology Grand Jury Report – Homelessness in Mendocino County BoS Response – Homelessness in Mendocino County BoS Response Form – Homelessness in Mendocino County Grand Jury Report – Meeting Mendocino County’s Needs for Housing BoS Response – Meeting Mendocino County’s Needs for Housing BoS Response Form – Meeting Mendocino County’s Needs for Housing Attachments:
Gjerde and Haschak will create an ad hoc for continued work on housing
6d) Supervisors’ Reports Regarding Board Special Assignments, Standing and Ad Hoc Committee Meetings, and Other Items of General Interest
Mulheren – Please read the MHSA Three Year Plan (
9a) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 – Conference with Labor Negotiator – Agency Negotiators: Carmel J. Angelo, Cherie Johnson and William Schurtz; Employee Organization(s): All
9b) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 – Public Employee Performance Evaluation – Agricultural Commissioner
No reportable action
9c) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) – Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation: One Case – Vichy Springs Resort v. City of Ukiah, et al. – Case No. SCUK-CVPT-2018-70200
No reportable action
9d) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) – Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation: One Case – Administrative Appeal of Citation # AC_2021-0520 (N.Sheppard)
No reportable action
9e) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) – Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation: One Case – Willits Environmental Center v. the Board of Supervisors of the County of Mendocino – Case No. 21CV00474
No reportable action
9f) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9d(2) – Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation: Significant Exposure to Litigation Based on the Receipt of a Claim Pursuant to the Government Claims Act or Some Other Written Communication from a Potential Plaintiff Threatening Litigation, Which Non-Exempt Claim or Communication is Available for Public Inspection. (Government Code § 54956.9 (e)(3)) – One Case
No reportable action
9g) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9d(2) – Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation: Significant Exposure to Litigation Based on: *Facts and circumstances that might result in litigation against the County but which the County believes are not yet known to a potential plaintiff or plaintiffs, which facts and circumstances need not be disclosed. (Government Code § 54956.9 (e)(1)) – One Case
No reportable action