The following is an email Senator Mike McGuire sent to constituents:

We’d like to invite you to a virtual Town Hall in partnership with Mendocino County schools next week that will have a special focus on keeping students and kids safe from COVID-19, now that children ages 5-11 are eligible to be immunized.
We know this has been an incredibly challenging year for our kids, parents, and our teachers, and we are bringing together local experts to have a discussion on the next step in the fight against Covid – immunizing our students and children.
We hope you will join us for critical updates – via phone or livestream, whichever is more convenient for you.
We will be joined by local doctors and school officials to provide you with the latest, most accurate information on immunizations for students and Mendocino County’s rollout plans.
We hope you can join us next week!
Here are the details:
Who: Senator Mike McGuire, Mendocino County Schools Superintendent Michelle Hutchins, Mendocino County Public Health Officer Dr. Andy Coren, and local pediatricians.
What: Town Hall Focused on Mendocino County’s Plans for Students/Kids and Covid-19 Immunizations
When: Monday, November 15 at 6:30 pm
How to attend: RSVP today by clicking here! After you RSVP, we’ll email the call-in number and video livestream link.
Questions about the Town Hall: Email or call us at 707-468-8914.
We look forward to talking with you!
Warmest regards,
State Senator
Do NOT vaccinate your children! Start homeschooling them! I know it sounds impossible but it’s not. You don’t have to do it alone. Get together with a neighbor and alternate days. Share curriculum etc. If it’s really important to you , you can make it happen.
ditto what Local states.
this link is of Dr. Scott Youngblood speaking with local government
this is for you Senator Mcguire