Scanner traffic beginning around 3:48 p.m. indicated a structure fire is burning in Fort Bragg located near the 100 block of South Harold Street.
The Incident Commander is reporting smoke is showing and a structure is fully involved.
Please remember that this story is unfolding. Information is being reported as we gather it. However, some of the information coming from witnesses and initial official reports could be wrong. We will do our best to get the facts but, in the case that something is inaccurate, we will update with correct information as soon as we can.
Update: I live very close to this residence and they’ve lifted the evacuation to some of the houses. Thanks to the FB fire department, police, sheriffs and ambulance for their quick response and saving other houses.
I know this house and I wonder if it was an electrical fire.
I inspected the electrical system there several years ago, it was quite sketchy due to old age.
I advised the renter to notify the landlord that the main breaker panel was unsafe and needed replacement ASAP.
Never heard if it got repaired though.
Bummer for J. the renter.