Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Transforming Public Lands: Bureau of Land Management’s New Strategy for Mendocino and Neighboring Counties


The following is a press release issued by the Bureau of Land Management:

The BLM-managed Red Mountain Area in northern Mendocino County. [Photo by Sam Flannigan, BLM]

The Bureau of Land Management today announced the proposed Northwest California Integrated Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement, updating management for public lands in BLM’s Arcata and Redding field offices. If finalized, the plan will guide management of approximately 382,200 acres of BLM-managed public land and approximately 295,100 acres of subsurface minerals in Butte, Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama, and Trinity counties for the next 15 to 20 years.

“This plan is a collaborative effort of communities, Tribes, local governments, and other partners,” said BLM California Acting State Director Gordon Toevs. “Together, we have developed a plan that reflects stakeholder values, allowing for informed decisions and conservation reflective of the BLM’s multiple-use mission.”

The management plans for the Redding and Arcata field offices have not been updated since the mid-1990s. The proposed plan addresses changing use patterns, provides for a broad array of recreation uses, plans for wilderness management, and protects and conserves Wild and Scenic Rivers and Areas of Critical Environmental Concern.

Notice of Availability will publish in tomorrow’s Federal Register to open a 30-day protest period. Any written protests must be received by July 22, 2024. Please visit the BLM Filing a Plan Protest page for instructions.

The draft plans were informed by public scoping meetings held in June 2022 and a public review and comment period open from September – December 2023.

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Please visit the BLM National NEPA Register to review associated planning documents and maps. For more information, contact the BLM Arcata Field Office at 707-825-2300, or the BLM Redding Field Office at 530-224-2100.

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  1. Selling Out to BIG MONEY interests is what I expect ! Continue to Rape & pillage the forsts and rivers and destroy the environment , it is what BLM & Cal-Fire DO. all for a Case of Whiskey @ Christmas & a few hundred bucks….

  2. Transform the land into what exactly?
    More Wine Appellations?
    With mega leases awarded to the commercial wine growers?
    Most people know who that I am referring to.
    The very same one corporation in particular that has pretty much taken over in Ukiah and Hopland as well as Lake County and others.
    One can plainly see their pretentious big sings on arrogant display everywhere.
    More clearing and terracing and water consumption.
    Plus new roads that generate silt and other harmful runoff.
    Shit rolls downhill and flows downstream.

    • None of what you refer to is even allowed in any way, shape, or form on BLM lands.

      Wilderness, recreation, logging, grazing, mining, oil/gas extraction, and very limited processing of extracted materials at site of extraction.

      No other agricultural purposes are allowed.

      All activities are done under a claims and/or lease processes.
      No permanent structures.

  3. Am I reading this correctly? Is this Liberal politics using public lands for subsurface mineral deposits management??? The word is MINING or OIL for land lease in our public wilderness? Mercury mine destroyed fishing in Clearlake years ago with the guise of jobs for Native Americans.
    Wow. So mining on public lands to possibly lease to corporations or foreign entities?? Since Native land is sovereign will Environmental laws be upheld? The loopholes by lawyers are infinite. Money buys corruption. I’ve seen the hypocrisy of California politicians in combination with Native Americans slowly using power and wording, to decieve the public. But this ones, really, the worst one, yet. Greed and money is killing California’s wilderness one land grab at a time.

    • No, you are not reading it correctly.

      The BLM has always handled mineral & extraction claims and leases on Fed BLM land.
      CA politicians have very limited influence on rules governing Federal lands.

      There’s NO allowance for such practices in designated Wilderness Areas, never has been.
      Can’t even have roads or motorized equipment.

      • All of these people complaining clearly stopped after the first few words. Their concerns are directly addressed in the article, but hey. It’s easier to just regurgitate your unfounded fears into the internet void than actually read and comprehend something.

        • And then we have all of THOSE PEOPLE who believe everything that the local the state and the over inflated federal governments spoon feed them for their pacification.
          Appeasing the sheeple.

          • It’s real easy to let the imagination run away and embellish already aberrant falsehoods and conflate fictions for facts, especially if one has never actually engaged the government agency in question in any actual process or attempt to express individual or common rights within said agency’s jurisdiction and comment processes.

            General, nonspecific disparagment of both the people and a standard BLM plan update process in a single breath is more a reflection on you and your obviously limited perspective and experience than anything else.

            We shouldn’t let kids graduate high school without at least 1yr of Civics.

            The overly broad and intense lack of awareness of our civic structure and where the actual levers of government are is absolutely fucking stunning.

            • Your usual predictable heaping helping and steaming pile of A I generated bullshit just gave me a fucking headache.
              Next time I’ll have my coffee before I make an attempt to read such drivel.

              • So sorry, not sorry, you have to deal with some real shit…maybe put down the coffee and learn to be accountable for your own bs rather than project on others for your own shortcomings.

                Not needing AI is a consequence of being educated. Try it sometime.


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