Saturday, June 29, 2024

ATF Leads Multi-Agency Raid in Redwood Valley

[Stock image by Matt LaFever]

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), assisted by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO), conducted an extensive raid on a property in Redwood Valley yesterday.

DEA Agent Casey Rettig confirmed that the ATF was the lead agency in the operation. As of publication, the ATF San Francisco Field Office has not responded to requests for comment.

MCSO Captain Quincy Cromer told us, “Sheriff’s Office personnel were present to assist allied agencies on the Redwood Valley incident, but not the primary investigating agency.”

Information gathered from several community members who witnessed the raid told us the targeted property was on Laughlin Way. We learned multiple subjects were detained during the raid. Witnesses reported seeing an armored vehicle and a convoy of law enforcement officers involved in the operation.

One Redwood Valley resident said they were unhappy about law enforcement drones flying low over their property, especially since their home wasn’t the one being raided.

We will provide updates as more information becomes available.

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  1. Is it legal for law enforcement to fly low, like 50-100 ft over your property without a warrant if you are not suspected of illegal activity? Seems they were just taking advantage of being in the area and seeing what else they could find on neighboring properties.

    • Probably. If they’re capturing images there may be some cc 1708.8 privacy violation issues but that stems from taking pics not what they see as they cruise by. There are also some trespass situations but I doubt those would apply here. Laws can be broken but does the local da try and prosecute the atf? Sorry that happened to you…crappy neighbors suck!!

  2. Hopefully most of Mendocino is just Smelly old drug addled hippies and not many violent mental Biden voters.

    • Come on now Raylan leave Benzedrine Brandon out of it.
      Let’s all just hope that his team of doctors do not tune him up to much and over amp him for tonights cringe fest.
      He might keel over at the podium.

      • Bots, shit peddlers, and idiots are locked in an endless circle jerk of stupidity, whilr dreaming of getting Cucked by the “can do no wrong” big orange grifting reality tv asshat shitbird criminal over-compensating autocrat w the little mushroom dick.

          • “Nobody”?
            Speak for the masses, now, orange cuck?
            Try a mirror, I know it’s scary, but you have to try.
            Dont feel threatened, the fear of facing facts is worse than the facts themselves.
            The only thing really at risk is the bullshit.
            Pull up your bootstraps, boy.
            Face the day, and don’t put out what you can’t take, chump…er, bully…wah wah wah all the way home, pinky.

            As usual mendo sadist, there’s nothing “maverick” there.
            Nothing maverick about parroting foul propaganda and the disinformation echo chamber.

            You’re acting like a russian troll’s pipe dream, a tool, worn and tired, finger banging the Raylin Givens bot in the Mendofever living room.

            A low rate, “hard-on-crime”, caged bottom cuck, who helps enable the con artist, orange felon & his cult of personality where the blind extremists lead the blind to become extremists. Basically, Putin cucks and anti-constitutional jackoffs.

            So sorry, not sorry, that reading comprehension is such a challenge, though, admittedly, I did ignore grammar in the run-on sentence in my last post.
            There are many reputable, free online courses that can help you succeed.
            Civics too.
            Propoganda study is a subset of freshman high school English courses, did you miss that week?
            Take a refresher or three.
            After you help yourself, you can help your fellow citizens be realists, not captured, ideological tools.

            Or just stay “comfortable” with your “tool” (regurgitator) status,
            willful ignorance,
            and near total incapacity for a healthy merit based debate vs leaning on debasement, diversion, and vomiting of falsehoods as a crutch.

            Again, don’t put out what you can’t take, orange snowflake.

              • While your capacity for paying attention to the subject matter appears impossibly limited, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try rather than submit to willful cult ignorance and cucking for the orange man.

                    • Look everyone narcissistic Non-Fiction is so desperate for attention he or she has to sign in on another device and a different e.mail under another handle Triggered Rednecks to keep a temper tantrum active.

                  • Oh god. Once again I’m rolling around on my porch in pain from laughing so hard. I think I will publish a book of just comments from Mendofever. Oh shit you guys are classic. This has become the highlight of my evenings. Just reading you guys’ jackass comments while drinking a beer. I don’t even care about the article or topic anymore. I just come here for the comments now. Brett Cooper needs to discover Mendofever.

            • I don’t think you understand the definition of cuck as in cuckhold. If that is what you are referring to. I won’t explain. I’m trying to raise my moral standards. Just Google it or better yet look it up on Urban Dictionary.

    • No need for name calling Amanda.
      First of all I did not start up with the politics.
      I am guilty I suppose of taking advantage of the situation and replying with my usual dose of sarcasm.

      • Thank you and right you didn’t start it. But that’s generally how it rolls – irrelevant and downhill from there.

  3. Was this the “juice” company that has a massive wall surrounding a bunch of hoop houses? The property always screamed “Tony Soprano” to me, though it could be legit. I’ve got no secret evidence to suggest anything nefarious is actually going on there.

  4. I can’t believe the information that’s missing in this article. What were the police agencies looking for. What was found in the raid. Who was arrested.

    • Good question.
      With that amount of law enforcement people and with the ATF involvement surely it was about more than just having way too many plants and too much cash processed around.

  5. very sad to see …
    MCSO is an “ally” of the ATF…

    “MCSO Captain Quincy Cromer told us, “Sheriff’s Office personnel were present to assist allied agencies on the Redwood Valley incident, but not the primary investigating agency.””

    the ATF… the ones who slaughtered folks at Ruby Ridge, Waco, Robert LaVoy Finicum, and now presume to legislate new gun law by fiat. who elected them?.

    sad to see MCSO just “follows orders” from f-troop.
    good to know what we the people are up against.

    • Does that mean that you’re a Mcvey ally or apologist?
      White nationalist?
      Aryan Nation? Brotherhood? Congress?

      Finicum was killed by the OSP, Oregon State Patrol, in a joint op w the FBI. Finicum was reaching for his pocket, where there was a pistol, when shot.

      Get the facts.
      So much hogwash, so easily believed.

      FYI, the Ruby Ridge incident was primarily the US Marshals Service & the FBI HRT & SWAT
      ATF began the investigation, Weaver sold their informant 2 sawed-off shotguns. ATF later arrested him and he bailed out of jail.
      ATF did not participate in attempting to apprehend Weaver, deemed a “fugitive” after he didn’t show for court.
      Nor was ATF involved physically, thereafter.

      Further, ATF doesn’t “legislate” anything.
      Congress passed legislation REQUIRING ATF to make “Regulations” within the spirit and/or letter of the legislated guidlines within their jurisdiction.
      Nothing new.
      Every single government department and agency has been empowered in this way by Republican, Democrat, and bipartisan Congresses.
      Nothing new.

Join the Conversation

Matt LaFever
Matt LaFeverhttps://mendofever.com/
I have been an Emerald Triangle resident since 2006 and this is year ten in Mendocino County. Please, email me at matthewplafever@gmail.com if you know a story that needs to be told.

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