The following is a press release issued by the County of Mendocino:

On Saturday, February 8 from 3 to 4 p.m., local author Karen Rifkin will discuss her book, “The History of Ukiah’s Palace Hotel.” Her presentation will include a full-scale slideshow showcasing all of the photographs in the book plus many more, highlighting the history and development of the Palace Hotel, along with personalities and events that created its unique and colorful history.
Karen Rifkin, formerly a line cook and sous chef at the Palace Hotel, as well as a massage therapist, middle school English and History teacher, journalist and photographer, and author, is now happily retired and hopes to spend her remaining time on earth playing her ukulele and UBass.
This free event is open to all ages and is sponsored by the Friends of the Ukiah Branch Library and the Mendocino County Library. Please contact the Ukiah Branch Library at 707-463-4490 or for more information.
Will this be at the Ukiah library?
Yessiree. Be there or be square.
Lord make it stop!!
Get a grip, Bucko. Calm down. Everything is going to be OK.
Time to demolish this pile of old debris, much to late to save.