Mendocino County’s COVID-19 Cases Increase by 9 totaling 274 Growing 32% in One Week
Whenever Mendocino County Public Health publishes a new COVID-19 infographic, MendoFever will compare and contrast the data with the previous infographic in hopes to shed light on trends associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in Mendocino County.
?Most significant information gained from this evening’s infographic update provided by Mendocino County Public Health:
?Mendocino County’s total COVID-19 positive case count grew by 9 today. One week ago, Pubic Health announced the county had 207 cases. Seven days later we stand at 274. This is a 32% rise.
? 60.5% of the County’s COVID-19 cases are within the Hispanic/Latino Community
?31% of the COVID-19 cases are in the 19-34 age group.

?Analysis of that data represented in today’s infographic with yesterday’s:
??????Demographics: Cases amongst the Hispanic/Latino Community increased by five going from 161 to 165; and four of the new cases reported today are from the “unreported” category.
??Age Ranges: Two of the new cases are between the ages of “13-18”, one of the new cases is between the ages of “19-34”, three of the new cases are from the ages of “35-49”, two of the new cases are from the ages of “50-64”, and one of the new cases is from the “65+” age range.
?? Gender of Infected: 130 of the infected are men 135 are women.
?Source of Infection: Two of today’s cases are associated with “close contact”, one of today’s cases is associated with “community spread”, and six of today’s cases are “under investigation”.
?Region of Cases: Eight of today’s cases originate in the “Ukiah Valley” and one originates in “South County”
????Status of Patients: Nine more patients have entered isolation for a total of 138. There remains 4 patients in the hospital. There remains only one patient in the intensive care unit. There is a total of 274 cases. There are a total of 134 active COVID-19 cases.
?Testing: Comparing and contrasting testing numbers suggests all nine of today’s new cases were discovered within commercial labs. The amount of tests pending is significantly increased to 2,358.