The following is a press release issued by the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office:

On December 31, 2020, the Sheriff’s Office received the results of the COVID-19 testing that was done on the jail population December 26 and 27, 2020. As expected, the number of confirmed cases amongst the incarcerated population rose to 63. Seventeen individuals have been released from isolation and 7 others were released from custody, having been released through the courts or being time served. This leaves the number of active cases in the jail at 39.
The confirmed cases are largely isolated to the original outbreak areas with a small number being discovered outside the quarantine area. We continue to identify these individuals and attempt to quarantine them away from unaffected inmates. Testing will continue in targeted areas to identify any new cases while on-site medical providers continue to monitor and care for those affected individuals.
Of the diagnosed inmates, one was transported to an area hospital this morning, January 1, 2021, where he was admitted for observation to monitor this subject due to concerns of breathing difficulties.
Staff testing is ongoing with 13 staff members quarantined to date. Although several new cases were identified amongst staff, some of the original staff members that were found to be positive were released to return to work. As of January 1, 2021, five staff members have returned to work having been cleared. Because we are continuing to receive results, these numbers are changing daily.
Testing amongst jail staffing has been increased to twice weekly. Staff are reporting to OptumServe for testing.
The Sheriff’s Office administration continues to work with our area and State partners to identify targeted testing audiences within the jail, we are also working towards constant surveillance testing. The goal is to continually develop the most effective mitigation protocols, and arrange for safe return of jail releases into the community.