Thursday, May 2, 2024

A Lake County Man Uses His Flight Path to Tell His Wife ‘I ♡ U’

Most married men have gotten their significant others chocolates, a bouquet of flowers, or a nice meal at a restaurant. Not many can say they used a small Cessna airplane to fly thousands of feet in the sky and trace “I ♡ U” using their flight path. Lake County man Frank Dollosso sure can. 

Dellosso told us he has been married to his wife Michelle for 23 years, and he was thinking about ways that he could surprise his wife. “Birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries are always special days. But what about the time in between?”

He had an idea. Dollosso sat down and used a program called Foreflight he uses to map his routes when he flies his Cessna Skyhawk and mapped out a route that after completing it would leave a flight path that spelled “I ♡ U Shell”, Shell being his wife’s nickname.

With his plan in mind, yesterday he flew above the blue waters of Clear Lake, thinking of his wife Michelle, and followed the GPS coordinates that would form his message of love. 

Yesterday was not an anniversary, Dollosso told us. “There was nothing special about [yesterday], just me thinking of her.”

After his 32-minute flight, he landed and got a call from his wife inquiring about a plane that had just flown above their home. While he had her on the phone, Dollosso revealed his sky message by asking her to look up their plane to see where it went on yesterday’s flight. Dollosso said, “When she did, she was very surprised. And she said she loved it.”

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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFeverhttps://mendofever.com/
I have been an Emerald Triangle resident since 2006 and this is year ten in Mendocino County. Please, email me at matthewplafever@gmail.com if you know a story that needs to be told.

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