Sunday, May 12, 2024

Tragedy in Covelo After Father Fatally Shoots Child’s Mother With Shotgun

[Stock image by Matt LaFever]

Early this morning about 5:30 a.m., in the kitchen of a home located on Logan Lane in Covelo, a man shot the mother of his child with a shotgun three times–once in the face, chest, and groin–then called 911 while holding the child and standing near her body, according to traffic over the scanner between dispatch and Mendocino County Sheriff’s deputies.

According to first reports, the woman had an unserved protective order against the man because of past problems. 

The man continued to hold the shotgun until officers were on scene because he feared the woman’s family members might arrive.

When officers arrived on scene he put the gun down and surrendered to law enforcement. The physically uninjured child has been taken by helicopter to an out of the area hospital.

We have reached out to Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office Captain Quincy Cromer who said he and his colleagues are still gathering details about the circumstances and will provide a statement later today about the incident.

If you know someone who is facing difficulties, reaching out for help is a crucial step.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, it’s important to remember that help is available. You’re not alone. Various organizations offer confidential support, including counseling, safe shelters, and legal assistance. To reach out for help, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or visit their website for more resources. They provide 24/7 support to anyone facing domestic violence, ensuring you have a safe place to turn to. Remember, taking the step to seek help is a sign of strength, and there are people ready and willing to support you through this challenging time.

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  • National Domestic Violence Hotline is available 24/7 at 800-799-7233
  • The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): 1-800-950-6264, info@nami.org
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): (800) 662-4357
  • National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): (866) 615-6464
  • Mental Health America Hotline: Text MHA to 741741
  • Crisis Text Line: Text CONNECT to 741741

Please remember that this story is unfolding. Information is being reported as we gather it. However, some of the information coming from witnesses and initial official reports could be wrong. We will do our best to get the facts but, in the case that something is inaccurate, we will update with correct information as soon as we can.

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  1. This is heartbreaking. That poor child. I hope everyone gets the help that they need. Thank you to the mental health workers that our community does have. I wish there were more of you, but am grateful that you are here.
    -Nurse Andi

  2. Please know there are local agencies that provide help. Project Sanctuary has offices in Ukiah and Fort Bragg. The local crisis line number is (707) 463-HELP (4357)

  3. What a sad, fragile, selfish loser. It’s heartbreaking the mother chose to keep her children in this situation, and now she’s gone and everyone suffers. It being 5 am, I have no doubt drugs were involved. Stay vigilant folks!

    • It’s just downright despicable to blame the victim of such a horrific act.
      Shame on you.

      Even more shameful, when it’s crystal clear that you either a. didn’t read the article or b. failed to comprehend it.

      She had a RESTRAINING ORDER waiting to be served against her murderer.
      Meaning, A. She likely filed in the last few days and B. he killed her before the Deputy on Service Duty got to him.

      Then you doubled down with further presumptuos speculation about drugs.
      How low you go.
      Double Grrr….

      What’s shameful is that we, as a society, still haven’t figured out how to protect women, mostly, from predators, especially familial.

      • Wrong of me to make assumptions on a tragic story with very little information. And further more to comment with very little thought. I did wish to delete it as soon as I hit send. The fact that she was getting the order proves he did not live there. I find it hard to believe he showed up in a sober state of mind and we may possibly never know the motives (I would NEVER imply ANYTHING could warrant such actions), but most women who are in these situations turn a blind eye to the red flags presented at day one. As a person who has partaken in a relationship with a psycho who constantly said I should be dead and held guns to my head on occasion, I look back and accept that only me myself and I put myself in that situation. I would delete my comment if I could, it was a projection. That woman could have been me. Everyday I see so many others still stuck in the loop of silly excusesand self sacrifice. They give up for the illusion of feeling loved, secure, perhaps their self worth is so low that as long as they aren’t alone, they think they’re happy, or often they are just too scared to make a change or stand up for themselves and often it’s for the children who end up suffering the most….and the cycle continues.

        I hope everyone learn to love themselves and each other….grrr

        • Thank you ab for nakedness a new post the fact is she tried to get rid of him multiple times he simply kept coming back . And for eing his way in . Breaking in and just doing what he wanted. As for drugs I highly doubt she was on any drugs. He on the other hand I have never met and sure looked to be on something in his booking picture. She told me many times that she was done and didn’t want him to come back . But he did any way . I haven’t seen her in years. But I’ve talked to her on the phone alot she’s always been a great person. Funny. Friend to many many people. She has always shown me kindness . With the accepting of a couple tiney arguments. Witch were my fault.
          she was a great mother and tough as Nails. She is going to be missed . My heart goes out to her mother . Her son , and her sister. This should never have happened . And none of them deserve to have to live through something like this . I hope this guy never gets out again. .
          The world has lost a great person .

  4. Sure drugs or alcohol may have been involved but they may not have been either. Domestic arguments and violent behavior is not just result of alcohol/drug consumption. Domestic violence including violence to this extent can be result of ongoing major arguments, perceived behavior against suspect….or actual behaviour…..breaking up…control issues….or it can be as simple as someone making too much noise in kitchen when someone trying to sleep. Obviously there was a history. Definitely terrible tragedy and the way it was carried out speaks volumes on suspects thoughts.

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